Different Generations in the Workforce – What Needs to Click
Studies show that, on average, we spend 90,000 hours of our life at work. Considering this amount, it goes without saying that we would all like to get along with our colleagues; to work in ‘harmony’.
Today’s multi-generational workforce comprises employees with a broad range of skills, values, expectations, and behaviors. In 2017’s work environments, forget about simple contrasts like ‘IQ’ or ‘EQ’ – the term ‘Generational Intelligence’ has now emerged.
In other words, our understanding of employee engagement has drastically changed. There has always been more than one generation present in the workplace. However, what differs today is the rapid rise of technology-savvy employees whose attitudes can be more readily impacted by feeling any mistrust, restriction, or being patronized.
Challenges of Generation Diversity
Each generation is unique, yet once they are all combined, they can either benefit from each other’s diversity or, on the contrary, potentially cause negative stereotyping and a whole new set of challenges.
Combining different age groups and experience levels can bring many alluring upsides to a business in any given industry. Development is formed at both ends of the scope: older generations have a taste of Millennial enthusiasm for learning and trying new things; younger generations learn and acquire skills from former, ‘wiser’ generations.
Conversely, negative stereotyping might involve older workers perceiving Millennials as being too “Tech-Oriented” or too greedy to challenge society’s norms.
Younger workers can see previous generations as too conventional or close-minded. The real issue underlying generational differences is that today’s older adults remain in the workforce longer than ever while the younger unemployment rate is, in many countries, noticeably high.
According to a survey by Lee Hecht Harrison, “more than 60 percent of employers are experiencing intergenerational conflict. However, those very differences can also lead to increased creativity and productivity—and ultimately to business success”.
But why does it have to be so complicated? Isn’t age just a number, after all?
Baby Boomers, born between 1946-1964, architects of today’s Millennials, have worked their entire lives and are considered true workaholics. They are “conversation clever,” preferring to talk things out. They are incredibly work-centric, goal-oriented, and quite competitive.
Boomers have formed legacies and seek respect from younger generations. In this sense, we may consider Baby Boomers as “Mentors.”
Gen Xers, born between 1965 and 1976, are all about independence, visual information, and money.
Unlike the boomers, Gen Xers are not conversation clever, making them keener to use today’s different forms of technology. They are genuinely engaged people who get their jobs done efficiently. They are driven by technology and efficiency.
Gen Xers are one of the few who can make sense of the world through pictures. We could describe Gen Xers as the “Go-getters.” Millennials, born between 1977 and 1995, frustrate Gen Xers the most.
While they are having a heck of a time in this digital era, Millennials are the most loved generation: fully transparent and fearless. Millennials want to learn and face new challenges constantly; they don’t think in words. They think in actions. They are the creators of their own world (Uber, Airbnb, etc.).
When in distress, the Millennial becomes impatient, making it harder for anyone of any age to address him/her. Millennials can be somewhat assimilated into “Individualists.”
As described, each generation has different characteristics. One size does not fit all, and this can make communication between them a bit odd.
Improving Inclusivity with Diversity
If intergenerational communication can be improved, overall stress is reduced, and as a result, they can work efficiently together. Generational communication isn’t easy to obtain – as each generation responds differently to leadership and technology. Their preferred methods of communication differ as well.
“Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it and wiser than the one that comes after it.” George Orwell
Perhaps if all employees have a consistent, convenient platform to communicate, it can improve that ambiguity. Although the quantity of communication might be increased, it doesn’t necessarily mean that quality will, too.
“A diverse and inclusive workplace requires open communication with an awareness of these growing generational differences. It is a matter of strong leadership, embracing new approaches, and communicating in a way that engages all employees.” Says Susan Hannam in Engaging a Multi-Generational Workforce.
Once a company recognizes communication issues and comes up with solutions, working conditions and culture changes ensue. As a result, building collaborative relationships can be easier. This leads to valuable engagement from employees, which is more important than ever in a multi-generational environment!
Communication and building relationships are not the only factors that will make generations’ click’. Additional factors also need to be considered as they vary significantly from generation to generation. These might include;
- Decision-making processes
- Learning styles
- Social influences and expectations
Businesses must pay close attention to generational differences. Solutions must be suggested, tested, and adopted if challenges occur. But ultimately, everyone has to respect each other’s different talents and strengths, no matter which generation that person represents.
Great ideas come in all shapes and sizes – it’s part of embracing diversity. If it’s not possible now, will it ever be?

Coming from an IT background of SAP consulting, IT Business development, and then running the country operations of an IT consulting multinational, Himanshu is co-founder and Managing Director of ReachExt K.K., and EmploymentJapan.com. He is also an Advisory Board Member of a Silicon Valley AI/IoT startup.