Why Should You Consider a Recruiter to Find Your Next Job

Reasons why job search through a recruitment agency may be more efficient and effective.


Looking for a job online can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating process. Even if – or sometimes, especially if – you think you are well qualified for the position you are applying for, working with a professional recruiter can still boost the chances of your resume being seen by the right people. Here’s why:

Why a Job Search through a Recruitment Company may be more Effective?


A More Targeted Search Process

Recruiting companies specialize in finding the right candidate for available positions. They know what HR departments are looking for and determine if you fit the particular position criteria. The results: better-targeted job applications, less time wasted, better chances of you landing that great job you wanted. It’s a win-win.

Avoid Getting Lost in the Pile of Resumes

There may be hundreds of applications for an advertised job. The end client may have bandwidth issues in properly going thru all those resumes and shortlisting the right ones effectively.


You may be the right candidate for the job, but it’s always possible that your resume skips the in-house recruiter. When you apply through a recruiter, you avoid getting lost. The recruitment agency’s job is to offer the carefully shortlisted candidates to the hiring company. Hence, the hiring company will only have to go through a small number of resumes to shortlist the interviews further.

Specialized Industry Insight

Even if it’s a job seeker’s market and positions are available, how do you know if the figure you fill in under the “Expected Salary” field is a fair rate of pay for that position?


A recruitment agency can help you manage expectations since they have the industry insight on getting within the correct salary range based on the position, your qualifications, and your experience. In this way, your proposition will be fair for both you and your potential employer.

A Professional Organization Vouching for You

Recruiters and hiring managers often have established relationships. Chances are, the recruiter has previously placed other candidates with the company you are applying to.


Once the recruiter has determined your qualifications and experience are right for an open position, they will present your CV to the potential employer as an already-screened candidate. This adds attractiveness to your candidacy for the position because hiring managers often value professional recruiters’ opinions.


If the recruiter is vouching for you, then the HR managers know you are most likely suitable for the position.

Getting A Professional CV Makeover

First impressions are everything. Even in a job seeker’s market, employers often wait for the right candidate before filling a particular position.


Your CV represents you to your potential employer. You may be the ideal for the job, but if your CV isn’t up to scratch, it may jeopardize your chances of being picked. Why take the risk? Recruitment companies make sure the odds are in your favor when it comes to finding a new job, and a good recruiter can review and give you suggestions to improve your CV.

Soft Skills: Why They Matter And How A Recruiter Can Help You

An often-overlooked prerequisite for getting ahead in your career is what’s called “soft skills.” These are non-technical skills that nevertheless impact how you work. Soft skills include how you solve problems, how you manage your time, and how you get along with other members of your team.

Hiring managers often look for candidates with soft skills because they can determine whether someone is successful in the workplace or not. A recruiter can help you identify the soft skills you may need to succeed in your job applications; for example, listening to a customer and providing polite, helpful service is an essential soft skill in customer-focused jobs.

Help with Interview Preparations

So, you got selected for an interview – congratulations! Now what? Here’s another area where a recruiter can help you. Before your interview, the recruiter can help guide you through the process and what to expect.


Recruiters specialize in what potential employers are looking for. Often, they will have sample interview questions for you so you can take your time to think about what you would say. With the right preparation, you can turn up at your interview with confidence and a well-planned strategy to highlight your suitable skills for the requirements of that particular position you are applying for.


If you were applying for a job online directly with potential employers, you could send a post-interview email to follow up and see how you did. Unfortunately, hiring managers don’t always have the time to reply to emails from every job candidate.


Here’s where working with a recruiter puts you at an advantage. Even if you don’t land that job, you can often get feedback from your recruiter about how you did during the interview to go into the next one armed with valuable information on what works for you and what doesn’t. Practice makes perfect, as they say.

If you are looking for a new job and would like to learn more about the positions that may be suitable for you, get in touch with us to see how we can help you. All communications are strictly private and confidential. You can also browse our career advice section for more job search insights.