More Emotional Intelligence Typically Means More Money
We have all heard about emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ). No wonder. We’re all emotional and passionate people. That’s what makes us human.
But here’s the deal:
Some humans deal with everyday emotions better than others. Therefore, it is crucial to access emotions in one’s personal life as much as they are in one’s professional life.
Although it’s considered that the workplace is a serious, tough, efficient place where emotions shouldn’t be mixed…Well, it’s not true. In fact, the more emotions present in the workplace, the better. Moreover, more emotional intelligence of higher EQ certainly helps in better career growth.
1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Defined
“Emotional intelligence is the ability for people to recognize emotions in oneself and others,” says Yongmei Liu, an associate professor at Illinois State University’s College of Business.
An excellent example of individuals who succeed at being emotionally intelligent are leaders – they are (or should) always be aware of their followers’ emotional states. If they recognize that things are not going too smoothly for them, they will consciously act in response.
Daniel Goleman, a well-known author reporting on the brain and behavioral sciences, believes that emotionally intelligent people have one or more of these specific personality traits:
- They are self-aware
- They are self-regulated
- They are motivated
- They are empathetic
- They have social skills
It goes without saying that some jobs require a solid EQ more than others. For instance, if a lawyer doesn’t have the skills to understand what’s going on in his client’s mind, even with his cognitive skills – he will not succeed.
2. Using emotional intelligence in the workplace
The economy of the past may have focused more on productivity than anything. Differently today, collaboration and teamwork are emphasized. Emotional intelligence has an important role in the workplace these days – which is good to hear.
“People increasingly rely on each other to get things done, which means understanding each other’s motives and emotions is much more important than it used to be,” Liu added.
Cognitive intelligence enables us to perform tasks, solve problems, and comprehend ideas. Emotional intelligence helps us understand ourselves and everyone around us. So, if you have both bits of intelligence, you represent perfection, no?
No. It’s not that easy. Each individual has a few different bits of intelligence intertwined together. As Howard Gardner declared in his book Theory of Multiple Intelligences, people don’t possess one specific kind of intelligence but rather have multiple strengths. That’s what being smart means.
Accepting emotions in the workplace means accepting a higher level of collaboration. Afterward, collaborating emotions means implementing a certain degree of empathy to the workplace. This builds solidarity among employees and creates a positive atmosphere.
Interestingly, those with an ‘eye for emotions’ are likelier to bring home a bigger paycheck than their colleagues with less EQ.
Struggling to get that promotion you’ve been waiting for? Maybe you’ve got the solution.
But where do you start? How do you really put your emotional intelligence to life (if you have or don’t have one)?
- Start by identifying the audience who needs the most mental support. What is keeping them up at night? Get inside their heads and attempt to identify the problems. After digging into their possible issues, chances are, you will find an alternative to all solutions already tested. And then you’ll score. Winner.
- Additionally, never forget this: successful people don’t focus only on their way – they focus on their clients first.
- And at the end of the day, talk is cheap. All emotionally intelligent people know that. So think in actions, not words.
- Don’t be petty. You don’t have time for that. Instead, always concentrate on the bigger picture. What do you want to achieve in the long run?
- Ensure that you have a positive mindset. Positive attracts positive. A positive mindset leads to positive energy in the workplace – sometimes, even leaders are not a good fit if they are manipulative, self-centered, and toxic. They create a negative force.
- Have the strength to move on. Move on if someone steals your thunder and makes you feel all sorts of bad emotions. Emotionally intelligent people have 0 tolerance for people or things that negatively affect their growth or personal happiness. Put a cross on these people if needed.
Once you follow these 6 tips, you can influence others more easily and get along with others better.
Eventually, it will unfold into greater career success and a higher salary.
So go on and celebrate your emotions! They are vital to your success.
3. Let your emotions be!
“We need to recognize that emotion is part of who we are as individuals, and we need to become comfortable with our emotionality,” says Yongmei Liu.
This is important to take note of. At the end of the day, as workers or simply as people, our emotionality defines who we are. We are led by our emotions every day, consciously or not. It would be a disgrace not to let them live, to not express them freely.
As mentioned previously, while being in touch with your emotions, as an emotionally intelligent person, you must be capable of regulating and managing your emotions well. You don’t necessarily want your boss to see you as an emotional wreck.
Daniel Goleman expressed, “People tend to become more emotionally intelligent as they age and mature.” This makes sense; the more you grow, the more you become in touch with who you are.
To conclude, be proud of your emotionality for anyone who wants to succeed. Learn how to control your emotions well and read people through their own emotions – if you pay attention closely enough, you will notice that it isn’t that difficult. People express their emotions more than they think. Master your EQ, master your career, master your life. You will feel better about yourself, and, at some point, you will get that promotion you’ve been desperately wanting.

Olivia is a Digital Marketer and writes content on HR and career-related topics. She was born in France and grew up in the US, UK, and Hong Kong. A Millennial who sees the world through a multi-cultural prism.