Free Resume Review Service – Candidate Services
Your resume or CV is your first introduction to a potential employer. A resume is the only tool you have, which you can use to get yourself shortlisted for an interview.
As they say that the first impression goes a long way – the impression your resume makes, does not end only with the shortlisting for the interview, it goes beyond that and affects the hiring decision also.
How you structure your resume, how you make statements, sometimes without really putting it in the words, but by creating untold impressions about your personality and aptitude & attitude, those two to three pages of your CV is all what you have got. How you utilize those couple pages, can make all the difference.
As a recruitment agency, we receive thousands of CVs – some are very impressive but some resumes really leave a lot to be desired. Your experience may be good, the knowledge and skills may be excellent but, just because of writing the resume in a hurry, or being out of practice of writing it for long, you may lose a career opportunity, you wished to have.
ReachExt has partnered with global leading resume experts to help you with your resume writing, in a professional and impressive way.
While you can check some of the points about a good professional resume, you can also get a free review of your resume by professionals by uploading your resume below:
A professional CV can make you: